Friday, April 12, 2019

We moved here...

The Parent's Blog For Teaching Survival Skills To Kids

Does our blog seem familiar?

Welcome to "The Pioneering Parent."  We used to live at '" but... life happened, blog went down, and we kind of disappeared for a while.  We didn't mean to, and the story is too long to tell... suffice to say, we all missed blogging about our crazy lives, so we decided we should start this blog. 

What Survival Skills Can You Expect To Discover on our blog?

The Pioneering Parent is all about teaching kids survival skills they need to face any situation life may throw at them.  

On this blog, you can expect to find informative articles, personal experiences, and ideas about all kinds of survival 'topics.' 

From the basics like  'Hunting and Gathering'  foraging for food, gardening and growing your own food, water collection and purification, and DIY Energy from solar and wind, to more advanced survival skills like bug out locations, to financial survival, we'll share it all with you. 

We do a lot of 'self sustaining stuff,' and DIY stuff and we're love sharing our ideas as well as hearing the ideas of our readers. 

Yes, this means we welcome not only your comments, but your guest posts as well!
*If you'd like to have us publish your work, simply find and click on the 'Submit Guest Post" link at the bottom of any page.

It all starts right here... 

This is our first post and today's date is April 11, 2019. 
Survival Skills Categories

Currently, we are working on our home and our projects include redoing our in-ground pool, building our own DIY air conditioners (we did the first one today), and more. 

We've got a lot of both inside and outside projects going on right now, so to make site navigation easy  for you, we'll be including a list of  "Main Categories" in the sidebar on the right.  

Getting up to speed with our survival skills and DIY projects...

In our next post, "52 weeks and how many projects?" we'll go over where we're at right now, and where we intend to go... over the rest of this year and beyond.  We have a pretty big 'home repair/remodel' list of "Things to do" and we've got a ton of fun and interesting DIY projects on it, many of which can also serve to teach the kiddos those 'wise survival skills' this blog is dedicated to. 

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