Saturday, June 13, 2020

Simple, Effective Method of Digging A Well By Hand

A few years ago, my well had run dry and the cost of drilling a new one was well above the $1,000 mark.  Considering that the house had some significant sinkhole activity, I wasn't keen on the idea of putting any money into it at all until I knew what was going to happen with the insurance company and any repairs they would propose.

At the time, I searched YouTube high and low for videos on "DIY Well Drilling," and what little I did find,  required huge equipment that I didn't have.

Jump forward years later to 'today' and while looking for something completely different, I stumbled across this simple, effective, no-machinery process...

Check it out

Now that's 11 minutes of my life that will pay for itself even if I only ever use the information one time. 
Here are a few other videos with slightly different variations of the tools and techniques used to dig your own well.

And here's a comprehensive 20 minute course featuring everything you need to know about well drilling.

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